• Probably everybody nowadays knows about these strange creatures-elves. We learn about them from books and films. It is interesting, but elves attract us more than other fairy creatures. We like them for their mystery and beauty. You don’t have to believe in them, but now I want to tell you some facts about elves.
  • Elves are much older than people. They can live hundreds and thousands of years, so they are cleverer than people. They have more time to think and to learn and they become wise. Elves don’t like to contact with people. They think we are too silly and they don’t understand why we want to grab the whole planet instead of living carefully on one piece of land. They hate cars, planes and other different machines. There are many kinds of elves. But something unites them all. Elves love the nature and have never wounded or killed it like people do.
  • Elves are mainly divided into two kinds: light elves and dark elves.